Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Backup Power With A Home Generator

It is important to have a good power transfer switch for your home generator system.  You can unexpectedly need backup power for a number of reasons.  A storm can knock out power or a squirrel can accidentally get caught in power lines.  No matter what happens, you want your backup generator to be on hand and reliable when you need the power.  In fact, you are probably required to have an automatic transfer switch if you have a generator system for your home, but there are also manual switches as well.

Automatic transfer switches are very convenient because you do not have to turn on your backup power manually in case of an outage.  For instance, if you are at work when an outage occurs, your automatic switch will automatically kick in.  This means you do not have to worry about food in your refrigerator and/or freezer going bad because the refrigerator stops working.  Your heat can also keep going during the colder months so that you do not have pipes freezing, which can burst and cause even more problems.

If you opt for a manual power transfer switch, you will have to physically turn the switch in order to access your backup power.  Whether an automatic or a manual switch, your power sources will never overlap.  This feature is included in all switches because overlapping power sources can be dangerous and cause many problems.  However, there is one advantage to a manual switch over an automatic one.  You can have a manual switch installed for about half as much of the cost to install an automatic switch.

The transfer switch also has many other conveniences.  You will avoid using lots of heavy duty cords running from the inside to the outside of the house.  These cords are susceptible to hazardous whether and can be dangerous if they are damaged and become exposed to elements such as water.  Using a switch is the only safe way to run a hardwired device to wall outlets.  You should also make sure the switch either has a self-testing mechanism or some kind of testing mechanism that you can check every once in a while to make sure the unit is still intact.

It is possible to install a power transfer switch yourself if you have some electrician knowledge.  Otherwise, you may want to hire a professional to install your switch.  In either case, you want to check with your local regulations and codes to make sure you are in compliance.  You also need to make sure your generator is at least 12 feet away from your home and garage.  Having a generator can make your life easier, but you want to make sure you install it properly.

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