Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saving Energy, Saving Money

As the economy continues to stagnate, an increasing number of people is trying to save money. If you are among these people, you may find that reducing your energy use is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cut your monthly costs. While it may sound like a contradiction, there have been a number of technological advancements that can help you to use less power. Whether you are trying to save money in the home or at the office, a device such as a green computer or an electric meter transfer switch can drastically reduce the amount of money you pay for utilities.

In may come as a surprise, but your water heater may be the biggest energy-user in your home. Whether you heat your water using a gas system or an electric system, you are losing money every time you take a shower or do a load of dishes. There are several options that can help you spend less on heating water. A solar water heater, for example, can heat a full tank of water for only the cost of installation. If this is too extreme, you can still install a flow-control shower head. This inexpensive item reduces the amount of water that you use in the shower and can save you hundreds of dollars each year.

If you choose to switch to a solar power system, you may also need an electric meter transfer switch. This device is installed behind your electric meter and allows you to easily switch from one power source to another. It is a particularly good option if you want to combine power from your solar water heater or solar panels and your wired electrical system. You can set it up so that it switches automatically if the solar power levels are too low, or you can control it manually. Some models can even be controlled from a smart phone or mobile device.

Even if you do not want to switch or supplement your power source, you can buy the numerous electronics that are now designed to use less electricity. In the last year, many computer companies have started making new, green models of their most popular products. With less power needed to run, these models also tend to run cooler, which is much more gentle on their electronic components. This can extend their life span and means that you will spend less money on replacements as well as on electricity.

In the end, the most important thing is awareness. Pay attention to how much power you use. Know when you leave a light on or if the tap is dripping. Combined with a little help from an alternative power source, an electric meter transfer switch or even just an energy-efficient computer, you should see a drastic drop in your energy bills.

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