Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remote Possibilities For Your Business

The continuing evolution of mobile and wireless technology is constantly creating new possibilities to remotely take care of your business.  A remote control power switch can be handy in dealing with crashed PCs as well as with conserving your energy sources.  In other words, remote technology can help your business save money on various areas of the business including saving costs on troubleshooting and with making sure you do not use any utilities when you do not need them.  However, you need to find a remote switch that is compatible with your business' needs.

For instance, you should consider how you control your remote device.  Some of them are controlled with the touch of a button.  However, there are also others that may be controlled with a voice command.  More and more machines are equipped to respond to wireless technology, so in addition to controls from an Internet interface, you may also be able to communicate with your device with mobile technology such as your smartphone.  Of course, these commands will depend upon the actual device you get.

For instance, you may need a remote control power switch that gives you the power to reboot or turn your devices on and off.  You can usually find a machine that can be controlled via Internet browser or user-friendly web-based GUI.  However, this type of machine may come with software and you will need to make sure you have the software that is compatible with your level of skill in dealing with your device.  On the upside, these devices may also have an automatic PING feature to reboot your device automatically if it fails.

This may be in tune with another feature that some switches have.  Many of these devices have sensors that can monitor the machines connected with it in order to perform automatic troubleshooting.  This is a very convenient feature that can save you lots of time and costs on the potential downtime and non-productivity that can occur when your machines crash.  The switch does not have to wait for a command from you.  There may also be other features such as temperature monitoring, electrical current monitor LED and even a schedule to power your machines on and off.

You will also have to consider how many machines you need to connect to your device.  Many of them may have two or four ports while others may have eight and more.  The number of ports combined with the types of features on the device will determine its cost.  Some of the less advance machines can cost less than $100 while others can cost closer to $1000.  You need to consider all these things when you are trying to decide upon the best device.

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