Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mobile Technology: Interacting From A Distance

It is common for people who frequently travel to feel disconnected from their homes. If you are one of these constant travelers, chances are that you would like to have more contact with your family and more control over what happens in your house. There has been a number of advances in mobile technology, however, that have made it much easier to interact with your family and house from a distance. Smart phones, interactive security systems and remote reboot tools make this interaction possible and mean that while you may be far from home, you will not feel as disconnected as you used to.

While the internet may have changed how we communicate from the home or the office, it is the smart phone that has truly made communication easy. With the help of this tiny tool, you can now talk to friends and family any time you want, no matter where you are. You can even send pictures or participate in group video chats. This means that you can feel connected to your family, even if you are often away from home.

There are, however, a number of other ways that a smart phone, combined with a few additional pieces of equipment, can give you control over what is happening in your house. A remote reboot system offers an easy way to keep track of your home while you are away. It gives you access to a number of different power outlets and allows you to turn them on and off. Depending on how you set up your system, it gives you the ability to control the temperature in your house as well as the appliances and electronics.

One of the biggest advances in security technology is the wireless security camera. Unlike a regular closed circuit system, a wireless security system broadcasts video signals through your home internet network. This means that you can control your security system through any mobile device that has access to your home network. Even from a distance, you can turn the system on and off, you can change the camera angles and you can see what is being filmed. If you are away from your home for a long period of time, you can check in to make sure there have not been any disturbances.

While this new technology may seem like it belongs in a movie, it is important to remember what communication technology is really about. Having electronic access to your home gives you control over what is happening, even when you are far away. More importantly, however, smart phone and remote reboot technology allows you to connect with your family and to make sure they are safe. It helps make your home more inviting when you return and it means that you always know what is going on, no matter where you are.

Preparing For Disaster: The Difference Between Life And Death

With numerous natural disasters getting play on the evening news, it is no surprise that an increasing number of people are preparing for an emergency. While it may be impossible to predict when the next earthquake, hurricane or tsunami will strike, there are a number of things you can do to make sure you are prepared for the worst. Even simple things can make a huge difference. Installing a power generator and generator automatic transfer switch, for example, can keep you with power during an emergency. By making sure that you have the tools to survive a disaster, you can ensure that you and your loved ones stay safe.

One of the most basic things you can do to protect yourself against disaster is to put together an emergency survival kit. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatality in a large-scale disaster. Try to have enough clean water on hand to last at least three or four days. If you have the storage space, you should have enough to last two weeks. When stocking food, it is important to remember that you may not have access to a can opener. Food stored in cardboard tetra packs keeps just as well as food stored in cans, and can be opened with bare hands. It is also important to make sure that you have basic first aid supplies in your kit. Gauze, bandages, scissors and a disinfectant should all be mandatory.

Power outages are frequent occurrences during most types of natural disasters. While you should include candles and a lighter in your emergency kit, you may also want to consider installing a back-up power generator. Connected to a generator automatic transfer switch, it will begin to power your house as soon as you lose access to the regular electric grid.

There are also a number of things you can do to the building itself to help it withstand disaster. What you do, however, depends largely on the types of disasters common in your area. If you live along a fault line, for example, you should make sure that the foundation and structure of your house has been properly reinforced to withstand an earthquake. If you live in a common hurricane path, you should flood-proof your basement and make sure your roof is coated with a strong, weatherproof finish.

Regardless of how well you think you have prepared, you may never truly be ready for a disaster. Even if you are taken by surprise, however, taking measures to prepare yourself now could end up saving your life later. Making sure that you have a proper emergency kit, that your generator automatic transfer switch is in working order and that your building has been built to withstand disaster may end up being the difference between life and death.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saving Energy, Saving Money

As the economy continues to stagnate, an increasing number of people is trying to save money. If you are among these people, you may find that reducing your energy use is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cut your monthly costs. While it may sound like a contradiction, there have been a number of technological advancements that can help you to use less power. Whether you are trying to save money in the home or at the office, a device such as a green computer or an electric meter transfer switch can drastically reduce the amount of money you pay for utilities.

In may come as a surprise, but your water heater may be the biggest energy-user in your home. Whether you heat your water using a gas system or an electric system, you are losing money every time you take a shower or do a load of dishes. There are several options that can help you spend less on heating water. A solar water heater, for example, can heat a full tank of water for only the cost of installation. If this is too extreme, you can still install a flow-control shower head. This inexpensive item reduces the amount of water that you use in the shower and can save you hundreds of dollars each year.

If you choose to switch to a solar power system, you may also need an electric meter transfer switch. This device is installed behind your electric meter and allows you to easily switch from one power source to another. It is a particularly good option if you want to combine power from your solar water heater or solar panels and your wired electrical system. You can set it up so that it switches automatically if the solar power levels are too low, or you can control it manually. Some models can even be controlled from a smart phone or mobile device.

Even if you do not want to switch or supplement your power source, you can buy the numerous electronics that are now designed to use less electricity. In the last year, many computer companies have started making new, green models of their most popular products. With less power needed to run, these models also tend to run cooler, which is much more gentle on their electronic components. This can extend their life span and means that you will spend less money on replacements as well as on electricity.

In the end, the most important thing is awareness. Pay attention to how much power you use. Know when you leave a light on or if the tap is dripping. Combined with a little help from an alternative power source, an electric meter transfer switch or even just an energy-efficient computer, you should see a drastic drop in your energy bills.

The Many Uses Of Remote Power Switch

Over the past few years, there has been a technological advancement in the area of the remote power switch. Some switches require a little technical knowledge to set up but it will make a big difference once it is done. Remote power switches have many uses for the people who buy them.

One way that remote power switches are used is to reboot computer servers. Many businesses are not centered in one location and may have a single IT department that controls the whole network. It might be necessary to reboot a computer server if there are technical problems. Using a remote switch handles this task after hours when no workers are there to press any buttons. Switches are also used in retail stores where employees are needed to reboot certain IT equipment.

Remote power switching can be used in homes for people who need to control the lighting, especially if the homeowners want it to make it appear like people where at home. Having the choice to switch on different lights in your home while you are at work can be very useful. You also have the choice to switch on the heating if the cold settles in suddenly. Similarly, remote power switches are used for home computers. If you are trapped in the office and you forgot some work on your home computer, then you can use a switch in addition to some remote software so you can reach your files. There are many other ways that people can use remote power switches. Additionally, some people can use one to turn on a camera in a tree or to turn on a television set in a store.

If you want to carry out remote power management, you have to consider all of the tasks that you want it to do. Even though the equipment is affordable, you do not want to spend money on equipment that is not needed or that will not assist you in the way you want. First, if you want to use this switch for your home computing system, you should figure out if your computer could even handle the switch. The entire system can work with the use of the Internet. All you have to do is hook up a connection with the switch and your computer PC. With a remote power switch, all you have to do is flip the power on or off at a distant location. If there is no Internet access at home, or if your system is slow or old, you may not be able to use the switch. You might want to think about upgrading your internet connection, too.

Using a remote power switch is possible and necessary nowadays. With one of these switches, you can use your computer with a remote device or phone. This allows you to fix errors when you are located distantly and even allow you to promote energy efficiency.  You can access your computer remotely, but you can also use other electronics with one switch. Nevertheless, it is crucial that you get the best switch that fits your network and organization.

Backup Power With A Home Generator

It is important to have a good power transfer switch for your home generator system.  You can unexpectedly need backup power for a number of reasons.  A storm can knock out power or a squirrel can accidentally get caught in power lines.  No matter what happens, you want your backup generator to be on hand and reliable when you need the power.  In fact, you are probably required to have an automatic transfer switch if you have a generator system for your home, but there are also manual switches as well.

Automatic transfer switches are very convenient because you do not have to turn on your backup power manually in case of an outage.  For instance, if you are at work when an outage occurs, your automatic switch will automatically kick in.  This means you do not have to worry about food in your refrigerator and/or freezer going bad because the refrigerator stops working.  Your heat can also keep going during the colder months so that you do not have pipes freezing, which can burst and cause even more problems.

If you opt for a manual power transfer switch, you will have to physically turn the switch in order to access your backup power.  Whether an automatic or a manual switch, your power sources will never overlap.  This feature is included in all switches because overlapping power sources can be dangerous and cause many problems.  However, there is one advantage to a manual switch over an automatic one.  You can have a manual switch installed for about half as much of the cost to install an automatic switch.

The transfer switch also has many other conveniences.  You will avoid using lots of heavy duty cords running from the inside to the outside of the house.  These cords are susceptible to hazardous whether and can be dangerous if they are damaged and become exposed to elements such as water.  Using a switch is the only safe way to run a hardwired device to wall outlets.  You should also make sure the switch either has a self-testing mechanism or some kind of testing mechanism that you can check every once in a while to make sure the unit is still intact.

It is possible to install a power transfer switch yourself if you have some electrician knowledge.  Otherwise, you may want to hire a professional to install your switch.  In either case, you want to check with your local regulations and codes to make sure you are in compliance.  You also need to make sure your generator is at least 12 feet away from your home and garage.  Having a generator can make your life easier, but you want to make sure you install it properly.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remote Possibilities For Your Business

The continuing evolution of mobile and wireless technology is constantly creating new possibilities to remotely take care of your business.  A remote control power switch can be handy in dealing with crashed PCs as well as with conserving your energy sources.  In other words, remote technology can help your business save money on various areas of the business including saving costs on troubleshooting and with making sure you do not use any utilities when you do not need them.  However, you need to find a remote switch that is compatible with your business' needs.

For instance, you should consider how you control your remote device.  Some of them are controlled with the touch of a button.  However, there are also others that may be controlled with a voice command.  More and more machines are equipped to respond to wireless technology, so in addition to controls from an Internet interface, you may also be able to communicate with your device with mobile technology such as your smartphone.  Of course, these commands will depend upon the actual device you get.

For instance, you may need a remote control power switch that gives you the power to reboot or turn your devices on and off.  You can usually find a machine that can be controlled via Internet browser or user-friendly web-based GUI.  However, this type of machine may come with software and you will need to make sure you have the software that is compatible with your level of skill in dealing with your device.  On the upside, these devices may also have an automatic PING feature to reboot your device automatically if it fails.

This may be in tune with another feature that some switches have.  Many of these devices have sensors that can monitor the machines connected with it in order to perform automatic troubleshooting.  This is a very convenient feature that can save you lots of time and costs on the potential downtime and non-productivity that can occur when your machines crash.  The switch does not have to wait for a command from you.  There may also be other features such as temperature monitoring, electrical current monitor LED and even a schedule to power your machines on and off.

You will also have to consider how many machines you need to connect to your device.  Many of them may have two or four ports while others may have eight and more.  The number of ports combined with the types of features on the device will determine its cost.  Some of the less advance machines can cost less than $100 while others can cost closer to $1000.  You need to consider all these things when you are trying to decide upon the best device.

Attach A Generator Meter Base Transfer Switch Without Electrocuting Yourself

When you own a house or piece of real estate, the number of things that can go wrong are a massive and depressing laundry list.  The plumbing can break, heating can fail, the walls can corrode, and the foundation can shift.  Of all the various headaches, however, perhaps the worst is the threat of electrical failure or surges.  Electric connections to power grids or generators are the main reason why accidental fires consume billions of dollars of housing each year, but can be easily avoided with a simple generator meter base transfer switch.

A generator is a great thing to have no matter where you live.  The threat of blackouts or brownouts can leave you stranded when there is just one last thing you need electricity for (usually the lights) but a generator kicks it just when it is needed.  Yet your house needs to know when the transfer is occurring and if there is no transfer switch, it will run into problems.

When you install a generator meter base transfer switch, you have a tool that constantly monitors the flow of electricity into and out of your home.  A simple surge protector is all it takes to avoid any power overloads which can short out electronics or turn an expensive LCD television into a plastic container for hot silicon.  Set up the switch to either manual or automatic (unless you are in your home nearly every hour of the day, automatic is recommended) in order to get it up and running.

At times when the transfer between grid power and generator power is required, the switch kicks on.  This is a simple, hand-held device that must be attached to the back of your generator by a licensed electrician.  Upon starting up, this little trigger will automatically take your house off the grid system to prevent overloads and then run a diagnostic on the generator power.  When this is complete, it removes generator power to standby and returns your home's lights and appliances to grid power.  These switches are meant for power needs of 200 amps or fewer (the vast majority of your electronics will be compliant) so that in cases of larger power drains, such as parties or high-tech equipment, it is necessary to flip the circuit breaker prior to detachment.

Protecting your home from the threat of electric blow back or surges requires a small investment for a very valuable piece of property.  Purchasing and installing a generator meter base transfer switch will keep the possibility of power failure from turning a productive energy system into a nightmare -- or worse, a fiery disaster.  With a simple device attached to your generator, you will not need to worry about power concerns.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How Remote Switches Have Changed Our World

Technology has progressed a great deal in the last few years. The advent of the Internet has enabled us to do things without leaving the comfort of our homes. In fact, many people now work from their homes, courtesy of broadband. This has led to tasks being carried out remotely, which is where remote control power switch comes in.

Many people think it is a complex, confusing subject, but, honestly, it is not. There are many ways of using a remote control power switch to carry out tasks without even being there. Organizations throughout the country are now spread across many states. As a matter of fact, servers may be located in one state, while the IT department may be on the other side of the country. They still need to make sure the company network is up and running smoothly and efficiently. By making use of remote power switches, they can easily reboot servers and shut down computers without being present in the same state, let alone the same building. Having this feature at hand has revolutionized the entire industry, letting companies spread out quickly without having to worry about logistics and cost.

You can apply the same principle of the remote control power switch to your home. If you leave for a holiday, but realize on the way that your home computer is still on, you can use remote tunneling software to login and turn it off. You can also access files, record television and listen to music, among other things. However, the most important point is that you can turn it off, thereby reducing your power bills. You can also control your home systems by using this method. By having your home's lighting and other utilities hooked up to the Internet, you can turn them on or off from any place in the world.

This idea has also been picked up by retail shops, which use it to restart IT related equipment out of hours. They can carry out updates nationwide, which would have been a logistical nightmare if remote control power switch was not present. Now that smartphones have become common, many companies and households make use of apps that enable them to control devices from anywhere they can get a working signal. Just the idea of using a mobile phone to control your devices at home or at work is thrilling. There are many apps available for a number of platforms. Quite a few of them are free, though some may need one-off payments or subscription plans.

Remote control power switch is a concept that is relatively new and has changed the way we can control devices. It has been adopted by big corporations and households alike. It has made our lives easier and more flexible.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Four Reasons For A Remote Power Management System In The Office

A remote power management system for computers allows a user to turn off equipment without physically touching the hardware.  Often, these types of systems are used by homeowners to regulate home utilities like heating and cooling, lights and home theaters.  Businesses can also use remote power switches to manage equipment in an office complex or call center.

Save on Utility Costs

The obvious reasons for using a remote power management system are to save on electricity bills.  With dozens or hundreds of computers, monitors, printers, scanners, coffee makers and other equipment plugged in, a sizeable office may be spending hundreds of dollars per month in unnecessary utility costs.  Even a small office may be able to benefit from the ability to turn items off with one switch.

Save on Labor Costs

Some businesses require the security, cleaning or last shift staff to review areas to ensure certain times are turned off.  For example, someone may have to check all the break areas and offices to make sure coffee makers, warming plates or lamps are turned off.  Basic fire prevention actions may be costing hours of labor per month.  With a remote power switch, the last person out of the building could spend mere seconds turning everything off.

Counteract Employee Negligence

At times, communications may be sent by technology departments asking everyone to ensure their computers have been shut down.  This might occur when new technology is being tested or deployed, the day before a long weekend or holiday or during times when severe weather threatens.  Many employees do not read their email consistently or neglect to follow instructions.  With a remote power switch, IT can turn off computers themselves in such cases.

Full Control From a Single Panel

It is not always beneficial to turn equipment off each evening.  Although items like coffee makers, which may be a fire hazard, should always be turned off, computers should not.  Large offices often deploy updates through the network to computers in the evening.  If a CPU is not powered, it cannot receive the update. With a proper remote control setup, the user can determine which items he or she is turning off.  There could be an option for a standard nightly power down that does not include the CPUs, and another option for a full power down.

By utilizing a remote power management system in an office of any size, the business can save time and money.  Added benefits include more efficient fire safety and the ability to override employee negligence regarding instructions for powering down equipment.  Staff will be happy they no longer have to make nightly rounds through dark offices to turn items off, and management will be delighted with monetary savings.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Powering Your Backup Generator

You will need a power transfer switch when you want to patch a backup generator to your power source or home electrical system.  When you use a transfer switch, you do not need to run extension cords from the inside to the outside of your house in order to power your generators.  This causes less danger since cords are vulnerable to the elements.  For instance, they are exposed to natural elements such as rain and insects and if they are damaged, not only will they not work, but they are also dangerous.

When you need to find a switch for your generator, you generally have two choices.  You can get a manual transfer switch.  Just as the name implies, you have to manually operate the switch in order to switch power from your primary power source to your backup generator.  Fortunately, it is set up so that you cannot accidentally operate both power sources at the same time, which can cause lots of damage to the electrical circuits.

You can also choose an automatic power transfer switch.  With this switch, you do not have to be present in order to switch from one power source to another.  Rather, the switch senses when there is a power surge or potential power outage.  It will then begin to power up the backup generator.  If the primary source fails, the backup power will automatically kick in.  If the problem passes, nothing will happen.  This type of switch is quite convenient should you be away from your home when the power goes out.  You do not have to worry about food going bad in the refrigerator or pipes freezing in cold weather because the furnace failed.

In most cases, you are probably required to have an automatic switch when you have a home generator, so you do not have to choose between an automatic or manual switch.  Furthermore, the switch is probably included if you have a stationary generator.  You will usually need to find a switch if you have a portable unit.  The one major pro for the manual switch is that it typically costs half as much as the automatic switch.

No matter what type of generator you have, you will need to find the right power transfer switch to operate it.  You should consider where and why you need the generator in order to help you determine which kind of switch is right for you.  If you need the convenience and flexibility of powering your home even while you are away, you may want to look for an automatic switch.  However, you should also check with your local regulations to make sure you get a transfer switch that is in compliance.

GenerLink Makes It Safe To Keep Home Running

A GenerLink meter base transfer switch is a new innovation in providing power to critical appliances during an electrical outage. Unlike typical ones, GenerLink switches do not require the rewiring of the home to accommodate the operation of a portable generator, and they add safety by eliminating both the need for extension cords and the possibility of electrical backfeed. Convenience is another advantage of a GenerLink meter base transfer switch, as homeowners usually do not need to be present during the installation.

Portable generators have become a popular piece of home equipment, as they enable critical appliances such as furnaces and refrigerators to continue running during a power outage. However, portable generators typically require the installation of a transfer switch and subpanel to operate, and often require dangerous extension cords to connect appliances to the generator. A GenerLink meter base transfer switch, on the other hand, offers a new and safer alternative, and one that includes both cost savings and convenience.

A GenerLink meter base transfer switch is installed behind the electric meter of the home using the existing breaker panel. This eliminates both the cost of professional services and the inconvenience of rewiring, and homeowners usually do not need to be present during the installation. Operation is also simple, requiring only the turning off of appliances at the breaker, plugging in and starting the generator, and turning appliances back on. This makes it one of the easiest and safest ways to use a portable generator when the electricity goes out.

Additional safety is added by eliminating the need for extension cords to run from appliances to the generator. When in operation, this completely removes the home from the outside electrical grid, enabling it to use the wiring already in the home to transfer electricity to appliances. Removing the home from the grid also prevents dangerous electrical backfeed from flowing into the home from the outside, eliminating the risk of injury or damage to appliances. One of the best features of it is that once outside power is restored, returning appliances to the grid is as simple as turning off appliances, unplugging the generator, and turning appliances back on.

Portable generators are the ideal solution to keeping critical appliances running during a power outage, although safety is often a concern with the use of extension cords and the risk of electrical backfeed.  However, eliminates these risks by removing the home from the electrical grid during operation, and using existing breakers and wiring to transfer electricity where needed. It also eliminates the need to rewire the home to operate the generator, as it can be installed behind the main breaker in only about 30 minutes. Safety, convenience, and ease of use has made this switch perhaps the best way to keep a home running even when the electrical power is not.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Troubleshooting From A Remote Location

You can use an IP power switch when you need a simple and relatively inexpensive solution to your remote reboot and troubleshooting needs.  These days, remote technology is making it easier than ever to keep your network going without interruption in service.  This technology also saves you costs on energy as well as the money you could lose when your network experiences downtime due to non-productivity and unhappy customers.  However, there are many kinds of power switches available, so you will need to find the switch that is right for your individual network.

Your power switch can provide many functions, but it will depend upon the features you need for your network.  For instance, you may only need a switch that allows you reboot and power your device on and off from a remote location.  Some of these switches can be activated with the touch of a button while others can be activated through voice command or with a mobile device or smartphone.  Most of them can be monitored with your PC through an Internet or web GUI.

You may even find an IP power switch that works automatically.  In these switches, a sensor can read when a device is failing and automatically perform troubleshooting duties without a command from you.  Not only does this prevent you from having to call an IT professional onsite, but you also reduce the amount of downtime that you can experience when you have to wait for the problem to be resolved.  You also do not have to pay the expenses for a professional to travel to your worksite and perform maintenance duties.

A power switch does not have to control only your PCs or other computers.  You can also use the switch to control other devices and even the utilities and the thermostat.  This can be quite convenient if you accidentally leave the lights on overnight.  You can power them off without having to go back to the site.  You can also control your thermostat from a remote location so that you do not waste energy when you do not need it.  These measures not only help you save money, but they also help you conserve energy.

There are many benefits to using an IP power switch.  When you choose a switch, you want to find one that has the features you need and is user-friendly enough for your level of experience.  You also want to make sure it has enough ports to control all the devices you want to include in the system.  The point of the switch is to make your life easier, so you need to make sure you find something that is not complicated and gives you the amount of control you want.

How To Protect Your Electrical Equipment With An ATS

Automatic transfer switches are made for a variety of standby power applications for both normal and heavy power loads. They maintain constant monitoring of voltage levels on the electrical circuit and they are applied during an outage to protect the power. They are also used to monitor the emergency power sources, thereby decreasing the risk of any kind of equipment damage. They are quite complex, so if you want to understand them you will need an automatic transfer switch diagram.

These switches, in the event of a normal power disturbance, automatically transfer the load circuits to the emergency power source. So, when normal power sources have been reinstated, the procedure is automatically preserved. They are also used to shut down the power from the main line before it turns the generator or alternative sources of power on. Most places still use manual switches, but an automatic power switch is safer and is better at handling power problems. If you are planning to install these switches, you should keep in mind that the utility lines have to be checked. The lines also have to be proven safe even after the installation is carried out.

People often use UPS (uninterrupted power supply) devices to keep working during power cuts. The UPS is great for short-term use, but cannot provide continuous power supply in the case of long power cuts or brownouts. In this case, an ATS is useful as it quickly and efficiently transfers the load circuit from the regular source of power to an emergency or alternative source. ATS are also used to protect the power in the case of an outage. They can maintain constant voltage levels on the electrical circuit, thus protecting your precious electrical equipment such as computers, refrigerators, televisions, etc. from voltage spikes and other electrical disturbances. An automatic transfer switch diagram is useful for understanding how an ATS works. It is unique for each and every building or apartment.

They cover applications ranging from 200 amperes to more than 5000 amperes. This covers basic electrical items to advanced industrial products. The switch detects anomalies such as brownouts, voltage sags, surges and spikes, automatically commanding the generator to start up and provide power to the affected outlets. If you are interested in installing an ATS in your office or building, it is a good idea to start online. There are many websites that are selling these devices. They also provide information based on your needs. You should also contact professional electricians if you are interested in protecting your equipment. They will be able to provide you with tailored information, relating specifically to your situation and circumstances. An electrician will also install the device for you, thereby saving you from going through all the hassle of working with dangerous electrical products.

Before you decide on installing an ATS, you should formulate an automatic transfer switch diagram to help you figure out which outlets and electrical items need protection the most. An ATS is indispensable if your area faces regular electrical disturbances. It will save you money in the long run.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Power Failure Is An IP Power Switch Success

The plague of problems that can frequent a company or organization's server amount to a litany that reads like an ancient legend: crashes, Trojans, worms, pirates, and viruses all pose the potential for disaster.  Yet there is nothing worse to an IT server than the loss of its lifeblood from a power failure.  Every second that a server is not up is a second that your company loses money, while the threat of a surge could wipe out every penny and bit of personal information stored within a computer databank.  The solution, however, is simple: use an IP power switch to safeguard your vital data against the inconsistency of electrical shortages.

With power shortages amounting for around twenty percent of a server's energy needs, a power switch begins paying for itself immediately.  The highest-end databases use nearly as much power in a single day as a 747 would use to fly from Los Angeles to Seattle.  Cutting down on expenses is a crucial part of any successful business, yet treatment of most servers is similar to a beloved old Mustang -- we do not care how much juice it requires, just how fast it can go.

Power consumption and processing speed go hand in hand, so that the money made on rapid exchanges with the server is offset by the amount of energy going towards those computer circuits.  Companies need their processors on twenty four hours a day.  When they crash, they crash hard.  The cost of repairing a server is astronomical and often necessitates a company starting over on a fresh hard drive.  An IP power switch modifies how the electricity flows into a computer.

A simple surge protector continually monitors the wattage of power and can automatically cut off the flow when a strong current (such as an electric line struck by lightning) threatens to turn a computer into a pile of melted metal parts.  Power switches, however, go a step further by regulation of the current.  Instead of shutting off, they can modify the flow into containment, so that your equipment has juice while the excess does not harm the circuitry.  What's more, it allows for a number of alternate controls, ranging from remote reboot for IT administrators who do not have access to the terminal to climate stabilization.

Server crashes, an unfortunate reality of all console management, require rapid reaction.  The switch permits simple commands to be run through a down server, including re-starts, system statuses, and transfer of data.  If you need to reboot through out-of-band connections, it is possible to set your switch to run off of a nearby line, through a dial-up connection, or through a serial line.  The number of problems facing a server can be offset by a simple IP power switch feature.